My credit history is one of the many issues I had to deal with during th process but Roland and his team have been very amazing! Not only ensuring that we will get the best rate possible but also ensuring that all required documents are delivered on time. It felt like we were in the safest hands who held us from start to finish! Thank you is an absolute understatement. But let me say, if you have Roland and his team you will have the best chance of getting your house. Thank you again Roland!
Our Business
Envoy has been successful for over 25 years because of its people, systems and technology.
The most important asset, however, is its people. We at Envoy understand the importance of providing great customer service, demonstrated by our strong customer satisfaction rating of nearly 4.9 out of 5. Since 1997, we have continued to exceed borrower expectations through exceptional customer service and dedication to helping you finance your dream home. Licensed in 49 states across the U.S., our branches offer a full menu of loan products, knowledge, and expertise for all areas of the residential mortgage lending industry.